Victorian house painting presents some unique challenges and opportunities in the San Francisco area. Victorian style houses feature stunning architectural elements including steep, gabled roofs, towers, turrets, and highly decorative woodwork. The houses themselves usually have 2 or 3 stories, sweeping balconies and other details reminiscent of a bygone era. From a real estate point of view, they can fetch a high price for their shear beauty. So upkeep and maintenance are important including professional house painting.

Victorian House Painters

Over the many years we’ve been in business, we have had the opportunity to provide house painting services for many Victorian style houses in San Francisco and the Bay Area. A couple of San Francisco Victorians we have painted are shown below. Both of these exterior paint jobs required many steps of preparation and carpentry to ensure a high quality, long lasting finish. The Victorian style home features many detailed carpentry elements so it was a great opportunity to show off our carpentry skills. When it comes to Victorian homes, experience counts!

This Haight-Ashbury Victorian house painting job required a lot of TLC. As a result, our work included some carpentry and reconstruction/replacement of ornaments. We sourced TAP plastics for mold making supplies to reconstruct sections of garland.

Here are some before and after images. Kudos to the owners for picking great paint colors!

San Francisco Victorian house before re-painting       San Francisco Victorian house after painting   San Francisco Haight Victorian detail with gold leaf

The owner of the second Victorian house we painted wanted a purple exterior, but we soon realized that initial color choices were too bright. As a result, we customized the palate by adding green to the purple paint to mute the red and give it a more earthy tone. The results are shown below:

  San Francisco residential exterior painting project IMG_0698      San Francisco residential exterior painting project IMG_1472

We love Victorian house painting in San Francisco because it gives us the opportunity to work on very unique architectures and offer a challenge to us as professional painters!