Exterior House Painting

Preserving Value & Beauty

Exterior Painting Contractors

Exterior painting is an important step in preserving the value and beauty of your home. As we all know, the Bay Area gets a lot of fog and precipitation but also sees a lot of warm sunshine. The varying conditions are what make the Bay Area so charming.

But the Bay Area climate can be challenging for house exteriors requiring frequent maintenance to avoid deterioration of the external structure. Dry rot is all too common and can be costly to repair. Frequent exterior painting helps protect against dry rot while keeping your house looking its best.

When you hire Color Touch Painting exterior house painting contractors, we show up knowing just how important our work is for your home and never overlook any details.

New exterior painting on a house in Oakland
Painting exterior banister on San Francisco Victorian

Exterior House Painting Process

We’ve been providing house painting services including Victorian house panting for a long time and have refined our process to provide maximum quality and value to our customers. Here’s the process you can expect when your hire Color Touch Painting:

Project Estimation and Consultation

All house painting projects start with a consultation with the customer to fully understand what the customer is looking for and to evaluate the home’s exterior. We’ll provide suggestions regarding colors, sheens, paint quality and more to make sure you’re getting the best results possible. Once we have an understanding of the job to be done, we’ll provide a detailed estimate so there are no surprises.

Site Preparation

Any home improvement project requires thoughtful preparation and exterior house painting is no different. We will look at the job site for any challenges we may encounter for paint application and plan accordingly. We will also evaluate the structural integrity of the house exterior, looking for any signs of dry rot.

Repairing dry rot issues and caulking all joints is critical to providing a long lasting quality house painting finish. Finally, any areas that need to be masked off or protected are taken care of before applying the paint.

Owner admires an painting project in San Francisco
exterior painter finishing red door with clean paint lines

Exterior Painting

Once the site is prepped, it’s time to start painting. Our experienced painters know exactly what they’re doing to get professional grade results. Even paint application, clean lines and no runs is the least you can expect. Our crews take great pride in their work and it shows every time.

Site Cleanup

When the exterior house painting job is done, our team does a full clean up, leaving your property looking better than it did before. We want you to appreciate the beauty of your new house exterior, not be disappointed by some mess left behind!

Exterior painting job complete
People shaking hands

Final Inspection

When all is complete, our project manager will do a final inspection with you to make sure every detail meets your approval. Nothing less than 100% customer satisfaction is acceptable. We want you to take as much pride in the job as we do!

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